June 28, 2009

. Sunday .

This is uber cute right? Cheerful colour :)
Took this @ Fullhouse in Niuzexui
wanna make this to my car in the future :D

A hot & boring Sunday afternoon we had for today. Actually there are tons of stuffs that i have to deal with but i'm just a slacking queen. Have been slack for whole day without doing anything and now, i'm blogging without a reason and without something meaningful to say.

Have to said that my brain is really like getting more & more towards mal-function, which i can feel that i got shorter memory span, always can't remember some tiny sorts of things or even happening big things. Sometimes what i have learned is like getting more & more heavy for me to absorb & digest. And i get to space out even more. For a person that have to deal with creativity, i think this looks like a disaster coming, no?

I have always dream of retiring on my 40. The big thing I'm aiming is not to be a billionaire or with lotsa fame. I also not sure for now actually. I know i'll change my mind for sure in the future, but for now, i just hope i can have some peaceful life without worrying anything & baby Cheryl can grow up healthily.

How i hope i can play for whole day without worrying that i can't finish my projects well for graduate. Arrghh. Life.

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